Cough Hypersensitivity Syndrome

Cough hypersensitivity or cough hypersensitive syndrome is a part of the differential diagnosis for those adults with chronic cough who you haven't found a cause or for those who  potential etiology of cough was found not be responding to therapy. The typical patient is a 61 year old female who's been coughing for multiple years.

Cough is described as an increased tickle in their throat or 25% of them have that feeling in their upper chest. The men tend to be more throat clearers and the women will tend to have very difficulty problematic cough, again, leading to urinary incontinence. The men sometimes will get syncope. Interesting enough. There's the feeling of postnasal drip which requires constant clearing that also triggers a cough reflex, but little objective mucus, unless it's at the end of the cough. The cough does tend to be very dry, and the triggers tend to be talking, laughing smells, odors, change in temperature, air conditioning in Florida, when they turn on the car and the air conditioning goes on, they start coughing.

All of these symptoms can be decreased with a nasal lavage such as Sinusol® Breathe Easy.

Drinking cold liquids rather than eating all gives you the phenotypic history of cough hypersensitivity. These patients actually will not tend to cough during exercise and may actually make them feel better. Now, some of them may have associated anatomic contributions, but many of them also have that vocal cord involvement. Patents with vocal cord involvement usually develop a hoarse , raspy  voice and away also develop tightness in their upper chest and throat and vocal cord spasm can lead to shortness of breath. So this is kind of a phenotypic presentation that makes us not a diagnosis really of exclusion, while we are excluding the component of other anatomic entities, but it gives you a history of multiple historical facts that you can check off that support the diagnosis of cough hypersensitivity.

A habitual cough does not occur once a child goes to sleep. Cough, a hypersensitive tends to extinguish during sleep, similar to habit cough and however the severe coughers can still have issues with sleep. Sinusol® Breathe Easy appears to provide relief from nocturnal cough withers soothing combination of eucalyptus and other essential oils.

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